Today was a crazy, fun, incredibly full day.
We started with breakfast at Knapps and navigated restaurant food and estimating carbs. Hannah had pancakes and bacon and hot chocolate with whipped cream. And we even ran in to Dad and Tara at Knapps!
It would be hard to be a complete type A with diabetes. The inclination is totally there -- wanting to get the sugars right and get the insulin right. But it's really inexact at times. There is guessing and estimating and hoping involved in calculating carbs. How much of that 1/4 cup of syrup did you eat? Well, we asked for 4 inch pancakes, but those are more like the #$(& many carbs do we think are in THERE??? Thank goodness for bacon. It's zero.
Hannah (and Daisy, too!) walked with 4H. Cody, Hanna, Tim and Evan walked with the band. The sun was out, it was beautiful. We got to visit with the Barkers and the Jaasko-Fishers, and sat with the Wroes, Jeff and April and Jenn. And, I think, saw everyone else in town that we knew.
From the parade to the Jensens for lunch and playing. From the Jensens to the Barkers for a pool party and dinner and playing.
Which sounds great, and for the most part it was. Except when you have a new diabetic who is overwhelmed when food is about. And there was food everywhere. All day. The other kids can endlessly graze and munch and don't have to think twice. Not quite so for Hannah.
On the bright side, she takes her sadness well, choosing to remove herself from the situation, rather than melting down. But it's hard. It's hard to watch it happening and not be able to fix it. It's hard to work through the tears afterward. It's hard because selfishly, I too, wanted to visit with my friends.
I know it will get easier, but Han and I are both feeling kind of sad tonight -- having left Cody and all else at the party. We talked a lot about how to learn to be ok around food, so that we don't miss fun times. I'm not sure that Hannah see's that as possible right now. Just going to take some time...
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