Hey. Happy St. Patrick's Day Eve….hope you have your green planned out for tomorrow! Kids did both ask if we could still have the party tomorrow since we're home…all I can say is I am so glad my friends bullied me into postponing. I'm pretty sure I would've managed to food poison everyone in my delirium. Never fear - there are dozens of pounds of potatoes and 70lbs of corned beef in my fridge. The party WILL go on.
We got home around 2 today, and it was game on. Had our first lowish blood sugar with shakes right out of the gate. And neither of us died. Whew.
Hannah was missing school in a bad way, so we went up to visit a few of our favorites at school until the point at which I was actually seriously contemplating a nap on the floor at school while social Sally chatted her way around the building.
We came home, set two alarms for a 45 minute nap and fell promptly asleep. So it was an hour and 45 later when I sort of woke up and looked at my phone, a bit confused as to who I was, where I was, when it was, and why I'd overslept — especially seeing that the phone had been ringing and messages had been coming in and I'd heard nothing. We were in PM. Not AM. Alarm was set for AM Sooooooo…my choices were maniacal laughter or hysterical tears. I chose laughter and I woke Hannah up and we got right about blood sugar, dinner and insulin in short order. As I said to some of you, our imperfect life of diabetes has begun. And neither of us died. Whew.
Randomly our educator called to confirm our pharmacy. When she asked how things were going, I giggled (man, people, I am freaking tired!) and relayed the whole deal. And she agreed — what a huge relief that things didn't go perfect. It definitely takes the heat off a bit around being rigid and perfect in the execution of things. Rest assured I've checked the alarms for 10 pm and 2 am several times and am doing my level best to just stay up til 10 because I think at this point not much would raise me from sleep.
This weekend is kind of a get our act together time — some shopping (though H was online ordering a cute medic alert bracelet by 630 this am) for groceries and getting organized. We were home 10 minutes before Hannah had the labeler out. You would not believe the number of parting gifts/books/materials/supplies we walked out of that joint with. Never mind the places we're supposed to check out online and things we should google for.
We've got a good plan for this week — appts with school, with our new doc at the diabetes clinic and then just making the adjustment back to school. And so life goes on. Cody has a trumpet competition tomorrow, needs a haircut and has indoor soccer. Hannah's got play practice and the production of Annie in a few weeks. I've got work and our regular nonsense to get back to. Hannah wants to run You Go Girl and is already asking to sign up for the diabetes run at Cheney Stadium. She wants to go to diabetes camp this summer.
Our educator said, and I believe, we've got a whole new family of diabetes peeps and lots to do/learn/enjoy. And crap, it's only 9:17….I have no idea how to stay awake for the next 43 minutes :) I said it before, I'll say it again — thanks to all of you for your notes, texts, calls, etc.
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