Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's a big week....

One of the realities is that I need to get brave, and get our friends comfortable with having Hannah over.  And it's not that I haven't been brave.  I have been ridiculously brave.  When I hear stories of other families I realize I've been a real champ in moving us through this.  Stories of families that stayed with 2 am checks for years.  Families who didn't go out to eat for the first year.  Families who didn't leave their child with anyone for years.  The weight of not having options for her (or having all options be with me (or Jim)) is too much. I need her life to get back to normal, where she goes to play and to sleepover.  But more than what I need, she needs it. It's kind of the final frontier in this initial transition to diabetes

So, last night she spent the night with Hanna.  This is actually the second time....Heather and Eric both grew up around diabetes and they're really comfortable with it, which makes me comfortable.

But tomorrow, she spends the day, the night, and the whole next day with Sarah, Emily and Auntie Heather.  She's excited.  I'm excited.  I hope they're not petrified :)

It's really hard to know how much to say, how to prepare them.  Carb counting, obviously.  Hannah can manage her pump.  I've decided that I'm leaving it at how to count carbs, at what point to call me, and what to do if she crashes.  The crashing....it's so unlikely.  But it could happen and they have to know what to do. (Juice or Sugar if she's conscious, Glucagon injection/911 if she's not).

I just keep reminding myself that the most likely outcome is that she goes high from conservative carb counting (which happens to everyone) and that I can talk her through anything else....because I am AWESOME.  :) ahahahahha.  Or at least because I know some stuff after three months of these shenanigans.

And we're off.....

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