Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bad blogger mommy

Oh's not that there haven't been things to say... I've just struggled with the words and with the time to sort out the words.

We'e made peace with the June 5 start date for the pump.  I think the universe knows better what will work for us than we do.  This gets Jim and the kids off and back on their memorial day trip without having to be newly on the pump with crazy blood sugars away from home.  It's hard enough to have diabetes.  It's harder to have diabetes and be out of your normal routine.  It's harder yet to be out of your routine and have whack blood sugars.  All I can say is that I'm really looking forward to the pump.

Blood sugars remain mostly in range.  Had a few crazy days, amplified by the fact that the bleeping clinic would not return my calls....which resulted in a carefully executed, graceful, kind but stern smackdown with the customer care center in which I asked what my expectations should be around callbacks.  When I finally got to a nurse and explained what had been going on, she confirmed it was serious (validating) and was even more apologetic about not getting back to us (maddening).

When there is a monopoly on care within a 30 mile radius of you, one thinks twice about being a difficult patient family -- but at the same time, what the heck am I supposed to do? Our pediatrician didn't know the answer, I'm sure as heck not going on the internet to look, and it left me contemplating a switch to Seattle care, which would've been a serious pain.

In happier news, today is the JDRF walk.  Hannah's team raised over $1600 -- amazing for a slapdash throw together effort.  We've got a big group of friends walking on what is shaping up to be a gorgeous day.

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